“There is almost nothing you can do for your child in his whole life that will affect him both emotionally and physically as profoundly as breastfeeding.”
The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding (8th edition), p. 5
Why did you decide to breastfeed? Was there a particular advantage that convinced you to try? Or, perhaps you’re not yet a parent and are trying to figure out if you should breastfeed. Whether you’re about to try for the first time or have months or years of nursing experience, there’s no better way to give you a boost of confidence than with a list of reasons why others have chosen to breastfeed.
Consider saving this post to your favorites or jotting down some of the reasons why on a sticky note to post where you’ll be sure to see them. Then, on those more difficult days, you’ll have a positive reminder of why you started on this breastfeeding journey (or plan to begin) in the first place. If you’d like to read the conversation in its entirety, go to the original post on the La Leche League USA Facebook page at www.facebook.com/LaLecheLeagueUSA/posts/5534179949943839.
“(I) came for the decreased cancer risk and much much lower carbon footprint. Stayed for the unsurpassed nutritional and immunological benefits and bonding.” – Nicole T.
“We were living overseas at the time and finding reliable/safe formula was difficult and expensive! I wanted to breastfeed anyway, but the lack of safe formula made me push through when it wasn’t working at first.” – Megan S.
“For me, it was all of the data on better health outcomes for baby (immunity, allergies, ear infections, obesity, etc.). The icing on the cake was the benefits to my health, too!” – Jaime D.
“The antibodies and how your body changes the milk to exactly what your baby needs at that moment; it changed with every feeding. With pumping often, I get to see the changes in my milk daily.” – Kat J.
“I was amazed to learn how incredible breastmilk is: that it would change to meet the needs of my baby including when they are sick and offer immunity; that it had healing powers; and, more recently, to learn it may offer pain relief. It’s hard to not want to breastfeed.” – Sarah R.
“It was free and already there – why not take advantage of it? After we ran into difficulties and sought help from my local La Leche League, that’s when I found out about the benefits of breastfeeding and breastmilk.” – Genia B.
“Baby health to start, but it’s so easy to calm them. And putting them to sleep is a breeze. Free and reliable, too.” – Fiona H.
“I wanted the bond, but also knowing that I was sending my two other children to school and knowing what illnesses they would bring home!” – Caitlin M.
“Convenience: always ready and available for baby. Immunity, healthy, and anti-cancer benefits.” – Kristian H.
“My mother always spoke fondly of the precious bond with her babies. And, selfishly, it was pretty nice to be their source of comfort that no one else could provide. Plus, when they were upset it was convenient to soothe them.” – Jessie K.
“Mainly, it was for the health benefits for baby. Also, knowing exactly what was in my baby’s food. Health benefits for me. The opportunity to bond through nursing. Never having to worry about the cost of formula or formula recalls/shortages. Not having to buy and clean tons of bottles and nipples.” – Mandi M.
“I nursed until I was 4.5 (years old), and when my little brother came along, I went to La Leche League meetings with my mom and baby brother. Of course, I would breastfeed when I had my only child at 37. I worked full time until he turned 3, and he weaned at 3 years, 3 months.” – Sarah F.
“When we are leaving the house, I know I can feed the baby wherever and whenever I need to.” – Rachel C.G.
“Honestly, there was no doubt in my mind that I wanted to breastfeed when I became pregnant. I had the innate wanting to do so; in my mind there were no other options. The convenience was sanity saving, especially during frequent night feedings.” – Em I.
Please send your story ideas to Amy at [email protected].
Supporting Breastfeeding Families–Today, Tomorrow, Always
Please consider donating to La Leche League USA.
Donations of any amount are gratefully accepted. Thank you!
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Last Updated: May 3, 2022 by Yael Breimer
Readers Share: Why I Breastfeed
“There is almost nothing you can do for your child in his whole life that will affect him both emotionally and physically as profoundly as breastfeeding.”
The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding (8th edition), p. 5
Why did you decide to breastfeed? Was there a particular advantage that convinced you to try? Or, perhaps you’re not yet a parent and are trying to figure out if you should breastfeed. Whether you’re about to try for the first time or have months or years of nursing experience, there’s no better way to give you a boost of confidence than with a list of reasons why others have chosen to breastfeed.
Consider saving this post to your favorites or jotting down some of the reasons why on a sticky note to post where you’ll be sure to see them. Then, on those more difficult days, you’ll have a positive reminder of why you started on this breastfeeding journey (or plan to begin) in the first place. If you’d like to read the conversation in its entirety, go to the original post on the La Leche League USA Facebook page at www.facebook.com/LaLecheLeagueUSA/posts/5534179949943839.
“(I) came for the decreased cancer risk and much much lower carbon footprint. Stayed for the unsurpassed nutritional and immunological benefits and bonding.” – Nicole T.
“We were living overseas at the time and finding reliable/safe formula was difficult and expensive! I wanted to breastfeed anyway, but the lack of safe formula made me push through when it wasn’t working at first.” – Megan S.
“For me, it was all of the data on better health outcomes for baby (immunity, allergies, ear infections, obesity, etc.). The icing on the cake was the benefits to my health, too!” – Jaime D.
“The antibodies and how your body changes the milk to exactly what your baby needs at that moment; it changed with every feeding. With pumping often, I get to see the changes in my milk daily.” – Kat J.
“I was amazed to learn how incredible breastmilk is: that it would change to meet the needs of my baby including when they are sick and offer immunity; that it had healing powers; and, more recently, to learn it may offer pain relief. It’s hard to not want to breastfeed.” – Sarah R.
“It was free and already there – why not take advantage of it? After we ran into difficulties and sought help from my local La Leche League, that’s when I found out about the benefits of breastfeeding and breastmilk.” – Genia B.
“Baby health to start, but it’s so easy to calm them. And putting them to sleep is a breeze. Free and reliable, too.” – Fiona H.
“I wanted the bond, but also knowing that I was sending my two other children to school and knowing what illnesses they would bring home!” – Caitlin M.
“Convenience: always ready and available for baby. Immunity, healthy, and anti-cancer benefits.” – Kristian H.
“My mother always spoke fondly of the precious bond with her babies. And, selfishly, it was pretty nice to be their source of comfort that no one else could provide. Plus, when they were upset it was convenient to soothe them.” – Jessie K.
“Mainly, it was for the health benefits for baby. Also, knowing exactly what was in my baby’s food. Health benefits for me. The opportunity to bond through nursing. Never having to worry about the cost of formula or formula recalls/shortages. Not having to buy and clean tons of bottles and nipples.” – Mandi M.
“I nursed until I was 4.5 (years old), and when my little brother came along, I went to La Leche League meetings with my mom and baby brother. Of course, I would breastfeed when I had my only child at 37. I worked full time until he turned 3, and he weaned at 3 years, 3 months.” – Sarah F.
“When we are leaving the house, I know I can feed the baby wherever and whenever I need to.” – Rachel C.G.
“Honestly, there was no doubt in my mind that I wanted to breastfeed when I became pregnant. I had the innate wanting to do so; in my mind there were no other options. The convenience was sanity saving, especially during frequent night feedings.” – Em I.
Please send your story ideas to Amy at [email protected].
Supporting Breastfeeding Families–Today, Tomorrow, Always
Please consider donating to La Leche League USA.
Donations of any amount are gratefully accepted. Thank you!
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