Looking Back: Sweet Memories

Mary Lou Mullins, Michigan

Originally published in May/June 1984 issue of La Leche League News

Editor’s Note: The first issue of La Leche League News, the bimonthly publication for members, was published in 1958. The name changed to New Beginnings in 1985. New Beginnings continued to be published until 2014 when it transitioned to its current blog format at www.lllusa.org/blog/.

shutterstock_121557853-2While I was expecting Christopher (now 10 months old), I could hardly wait to relive those beautiful moments of nursing. I had nursed Scott (now four-and-a-half years old) and then, two years later, gave birth to two tiny girls who did not survive. Nursing Christopher brought back so clearly the special memories of my experience nursing Scott.

Then I began to wonder how long these memories would remain so clearly in my mind. Would it be 10, 20, or maybe 30 years? Perhaps I should start a diary.

About this time, I made an emergency trip to see my grandmother. Christopher was then five weeks old. During the week Chris and I spent with her, she talked of her nursing experience with her only child—I was amazed that she remembered it so clearly. Those sweet, gentle memories were 65 years old! It didn’t end there either. She also remembered pulling the chair over to her mother’s side so she could nurse. That memory was 84 years old!

I met many of my grandmother’s friends during my stay. My grandmother would proudly announce that I was nursing my baby. Immediately, I’d notice a change in them. Their faces would soften, and they would completely relax. Then they would share with me their own nursing experiences.

It was so beautiful. Now I know—these wonderful days will stay with me always.

Sharing our breastfeeding stories and celebrating World Breastfeeding Week from August 1-7 2016 – Breastfeeding: A Key to Sustainable Development!

Also, check our Live Love Latch! events for this August as we celebrate National Breastfeeding Month: https://sites.google.com/site/livelovelatch/events.