Oh, The Places You Nurse!

Here we are with another edition of stories about the different places our readers have nursed their little ones. Today’s blog post includes on-the-job feedings and an anecdote that’s sure to put you in the holiday spirit.

Cora J. shared this memory from her early parenting years when she took her daughter on assignment with her.

“I was a freelance writer for a local magazine when my oldest daughter was around a year old. If I couldn’t do an interview by phone or email, I would bring her along and wear her in a baby carrier. For one article, I was in a store that specialized in framing artwork. It didn’t take long for my daughter to pick up on the flow of the conversation, and each time I would ask a question or make a comment, my daughter would poke her little head up and babble away at my interview subject, interjecting the one word she could say at the time: “Mama!” She even snuck in a nursing session that I think went unnoticed as the store owner was preoccupied showing me the tools of her trade. I look back on those early years of taking my daughter ‘on location’ with such fond memories.”

Stephanie and her Daughter

Stephanie Godwin-Chu recalls the time her family participated in her church’s Christmas play and her daughter went off script.

“My daughter was about nine months old when she was chosen as baby Jesus for the Christmas play. So naturally my husband and I were assigned the roles of Mary and Joseph. While we sat on stage during the children’s recital (speaking parts, a couple of songs and dances), (my daughter) began to fidget. I slowly covered her with the layers of my costume and breastfed her right in front of the entire church! The funny thing was that most people didn’t even notice her absence. A few minutes later, she was back on my lap, happy and content. After the service, a couple of the older women came up to me and gave me props for how smoothly I pulled it off. It was pretty funny and I felt like I could do anything after that!”

Have you nursed somewhere that was a little out of the ordinary or during an event that stood out in your mind? We’d love to hear about it and share it with our readers. Send your stories to Amy at [email protected].

Please send your story ideas to Amy at [email protected].

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