Out of the Mouths of Nurslings

Tommy on his scooterLibbie Krussow, St. Paul, Minnesota

This is Tommy, age 2.5 years. He said, “I wuv boobies. Dey’re my favorite snack.”

Editor’s Note: Are you nursing a toddler? Be sure to take a look at the toddler resources on the La Leche League website: www.llli.org/breastfeeding-info/toddlers/.

Has your child ever said something so clever, endearing, hilarious or simply surprising that you couldn’t help but share it with those around you? Our new feature, Out of the Mouths of Nurslings, gives breastfeeding parents a place to share those words with readers around the United States and even the world. If you’d like to share your memorable moment with readers of the New Beginnings blog, send a brief recap (picture, too, if you’d like!) to Amy at [email protected].

Please send your story ideas to Amy at [email protected].

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