Out of the Mouths of Nurslings: Milk and Other Words

Mom breastfeeding her toddler at a LLL eventChildren have the most beautiful outlooks on nursing, childhood, and life. This week, New Beginnings has compiled some stories from families about the words their little ones used for nursing and other innocent things they’ve said. We hope you’ll enjoy these stories and would love to hear precious words from your little ones.

Nurslings have many words for the act of nursing and breastmilk. Laura B. shared how her toddler referred to nursing and how she learned he had different names for each breast. “He called nursing ‘baa’. And I would always start him on my under-producing breast at night. But that particular night, he had hurt himself earlier in the night, and I had already nursed him on that side, so I started with the opposite side that I normally do. He was surprised and said, ‘ohhh, other side’. So my breasts were apparently named ‘baa’ and ‘other side’.”

Sara S. said their nursling similarly had a name for each breast. “We also had an uzzer side!” Roberta N. added, “That made me remember what my son would say after finishing one side. “Tutter side, Mommy, Tutter side!”

It is nice to hear how fondly our children think of nursing. Sara F. related a story of her nursling’s gratitude for breastfeeding. “My 2.5-year-old, during nightly prayer, would say, “Thank you God for boobs. Thank you God for the milk that I like so much!”

Julia M. described her child’s love of his nursing experience. “My now 7-year-old weaned when he was 5.5. To this day, he speaks so kindly and lovingly of nursing. He talks about the taste, how it always made him feel so warm and snuggly, and about how much he liked it. Hearing him talk like that helps me know I made the right choice in nursing him.”

Has your little one said something memorable? Send your anecdotes to Kylie at [email protected]

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