Have you attended a La Leche League USA event? If not, have you wondered why you should? How would you benefit from going to a conference? New Beginnings spoke with Anne Ferguson, Area Coordinator of Events with La Leche League of MN/DAs, about the Area’s upcoming conference in order to give readers an insight into the planning of a conference and the benefits to attendees.
Marsha Walker, RN, IBCLC, is the featured speaker at your Area Conference on April 17. Why did you invite Marsha Walker to be the featured speaker? Each year we collect feedback from attendees to understand what topics they want to learn about at future events. We use this feedback to determine speakers and sessions for the following year. At our 2019 conference, the top requests were premature infants/suck problems, fussy/high needs babies, using bottles, pacifiers and nipple shields, supporting working mothers, postpartum depression, low weight/failure to thrive, and supporting exclusively pumping mothers. We often use the LactSpeak website to find speakers who offer sessions that align with the topics our attendees want and finding Marsha Walker was no exception! She has so many sessions that address topics our attendees want that it has been a challenge to narrow down which topics we will have her present.
What do you hope attendees gain from attending the conference? We hold this conference for many reasons and love how it has grown every year since I was first involved with the planning in 2013. We skipped 2018 and received a lot of feedback that our attendees missed the event! I know many rely on this event to help get their CERPs and Nursing Contact Hours; it is also an amazing opportunity for a huge segment of the lactation community to come together and network. While the 2020 conference is geared towards health care professionals, I hope nursing parents will also attend. There is so much to know and things are constantly evolving in the lactation world.
What do you, personally, gain from attending LLL events? I personally get so much energy and a renewed sense of purpose from attending our conference. It’s a great reminder that we are a vibrant and passionate community of folks who want to help families reach their breastfeeding/chestfeeding goals. Even helping one family is worth the time and effort involved. And yet when we all come together to share and learn from each other we can have a large impact and really make positive changes in our community. I love seeing many of the same names on our attendee list and welcoming new people each and every year.
Each LLL USA event is designed to provide information and encouragement to both health care professionals and parents. Consider attending an upcoming event in 2020. Local meetings also offer information and support for families. Check out the local listings for an LLL Group meeting near you: lllusa.org/locator/.
If you would like to share information about an upcoming event, please send details to [email protected]. You can also see a current list of LLL USA events at www.lllusa.org/upcoming-events/.
The La Leche League USA Facebook page maintains a list of local meetings as well. You can view these at www.facebook.com/LaLecheLeagueUSA/.
March 27-29, 2020: La Leche League of Texas Conference. The Westin Houston, Memorial City, Houston, Texas. For more information, visit www.texaslll.org/conference/or email [email protected].
April 4, 2020: La Leche League Pacific Horizons; Making More Milk: Breastfeeding Seminar. Henry Mayo Newhall Hospital, Facey Building, Valencia, California. Featured speaker: Lisa Marasco, MA, IBCLC. For more information, go to https://www.eventbrite.com/e/making-more-milk-breastfeeding-seminar-registration-89885228137?fbclid=IwAR1s5RW7NXF8r2atgKRHy22sF9qDXjpE3dG3c2ya6pLk4J9ccRXXPABtVI4.
*Cancelled* April 17, 2020: La Leche League of MN/DAs Spring Conference. University of Minnesota Continuing Education and Conference Center, 1890 Buford Ave., St. Paul, Minnesota. Featured speaker: Marsha Walker, RN, IBCLC. For more information, visit www.lllofmndas.org/2020-spring-conference.html.
Please send your story ideas to Amy at [email protected].
Supporting Breastfeeding Families–Today, Tomorrow, Always
Please consider donating to La Leche League USA.
Donations of any amount are gratefully accepted. Thank you!
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Last Updated: March 12, 2020 by Yael Breimer
Upcoming LLL USA Events: Spotlight on LLL of MN/DAs Area Conference
Have you attended a La Leche League USA event? If not, have you wondered why you should? How would you benefit from going to a conference? New Beginnings spoke with Anne Ferguson, Area Coordinator of Events with La Leche League of MN/DAs, about the Area’s upcoming conference in order to give readers an insight into the planning of a conference and the benefits to attendees.
Marsha Walker, RN, IBCLC, is the featured speaker at your Area Conference on April 17. Why did you invite Marsha Walker to be the featured speaker? Each year we collect feedback from attendees to understand what topics they want to learn about at future events. We use this feedback to determine speakers and sessions for the following year. At our 2019 conference, the top requests were premature infants/suck problems, fussy/high needs babies, using bottles, pacifiers and nipple shields, supporting working mothers, postpartum depression, low weight/failure to thrive, and supporting exclusively pumping mothers. We often use the LactSpeak website to find speakers who offer sessions that align with the topics our attendees want and finding Marsha Walker was no exception! She has so many sessions that address topics our attendees want that it has been a challenge to narrow down which topics we will have her present.
What do you hope attendees gain from attending the conference? We hold this conference for many reasons and love how it has grown every year since I was first involved with the planning in 2013. We skipped 2018 and received a lot of feedback that our attendees missed the event! I know many rely on this event to help get their CERPs and Nursing Contact Hours; it is also an amazing opportunity for a huge segment of the lactation community to come together and network. While the 2020 conference is geared towards health care professionals, I hope nursing parents will also attend. There is so much to know and things are constantly evolving in the lactation world.
What do you, personally, gain from attending LLL events? I personally get so much energy and a renewed sense of purpose from attending our conference. It’s a great reminder that we are a vibrant and passionate community of folks who want to help families reach their breastfeeding/chestfeeding goals. Even helping one family is worth the time and effort involved. And yet when we all come together to share and learn from each other we can have a large impact and really make positive changes in our community. I love seeing many of the same names on our attendee list and welcoming new people each and every year.
Each LLL USA event is designed to provide information and encouragement to both health care professionals and parents. Consider attending an upcoming event in 2020. Local meetings also offer information and support for families. Check out the local listings for an LLL Group meeting near you: lllusa.org/locator/.
If you would like to share information about an upcoming event, please send details to [email protected]. You can also see a current list of LLL USA events at www.lllusa.org/upcoming-events/.
The La Leche League USA Facebook page maintains a list of local meetings as well. You can view these at www.facebook.com/LaLecheLeagueUSA/.
March 27-29, 2020: La Leche League of Texas Conference. The Westin Houston, Memorial City, Houston, Texas. For more information, visit www.texaslll.org/conference/or email [email protected].
April 4, 2020: La Leche League Pacific Horizons; Making More Milk: Breastfeeding Seminar. Henry Mayo Newhall Hospital, Facey Building, Valencia, California. Featured speaker: Lisa Marasco, MA, IBCLC. For more information, go to https://www.eventbrite.com/e/making-more-milk-breastfeeding-seminar-registration-89885228137?fbclid=IwAR1s5RW7NXF8r2atgKRHy22sF9qDXjpE3dG3c2ya6pLk4J9ccRXXPABtVI4.
*Cancelled* April 17, 2020: La Leche League of MN/DAs Spring Conference. University of Minnesota Continuing Education and Conference Center, 1890 Buford Ave., St. Paul, Minnesota. Featured speaker: Marsha Walker, RN, IBCLC. For more information, visit www.lllofmndas.org/2020-spring-conference.html.
Please send your story ideas to Amy at [email protected].
Supporting Breastfeeding Families–Today, Tomorrow, Always
Please consider donating to La Leche League USA.
Donations of any amount are gratefully accepted. Thank you!
Category: LLL Events
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