Oh, the Places a Breastfeeding Family Goes! Part 8

We’re delighted to share pictures from a few of our readers showing where life has taken them over the past few months. What about you? Send your photos to Amy at [email protected] and tell us a little about your latest adventure with your nursling(s).

Danielle Smiley-Daniel, Certified Lactation Counselor (CLC) from Hartford, Connecticut, tells us:

“I attend Trinidad and Tobago’s Carnival annually. It’s a time of year full of fun, confidence, and parading my sexiness. It’s amazing! This year I attended for the first year as a mother. My daughter, Geneva, was just four months old.

Danielle kissing her daughter Geneva

“In preparation to ‘play mas’, I knew I would at some point need to pump, but we are “on de road”, meaning there was no place to plug in a pump or private place to pump. A member of my Carnival crew (an OB/GYN) packed a manual breast pump for me, and another member of our crew (a male) threw it in his backpack so I could access it when needed.

Danielle pumping at Tobago’s Carnival

“When we had our lunch stop, I really needed to pump. Instead of suggesting I go into a bathroom stall or take a long walk to find a private location to pump, my crew surrounded me. So much support and love!”

Jamie nursing her son

Jamie nurses her son, then 23 months, during a trip to Alaska. Here the pair takes a moment to rest and enjoy the scenery at Exit Glacier in Seward, Alaska.

Shelby bathing Lilly while nursing LuLu

Shelby’s husband, Tim, took this picture of Shelby with daughters Lilly, then 3 ½, and LuLu, then three months old, as the trio relaxed in the bathtub. Shelby writes: “I found La Leche League when Lilly was about eight weeks old and have been so thankful for the organization ever since.”  Shelby lives with her family in Tumwater, Washington.

Please send your story ideas to Amy at [email protected].

Red heartSupporting Breastfeeding Families–Today, Tomorrow, Always

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Donations of any amount are gratefully accepted, and for a minimum gift of $25 your special message of congratulations, encouragement, or appreciation can be published in New Beginnings Blog.

Thank you!





