Breastfeeding Under Special Circumstances

Every nursing relationship is unique, even from one child to the next within the same family.  Sometimes you might find that you need or want more specific resources to help you during your nursing journey.

Here are some resources covering a number of special circumstances. If your concern or question is not included here, please contact a local LLL Leader for help with your questions. Medical questions and legal questions should be directed to appropriate health care and legal professionals.

Breastfeeding and Medical Procedures and Conditions- Nursing Parent 

Surgery while Breastfeeding, LLL USA

Mammography and Sonography in Breastfeeding Women, LLL USA blog

Breastfeeding with Hashimoto’s Disease and Low Milk Supply, LLL USA blog

What Breastfeeding Taught Me about being a Mother- Breastfeeding and Fibromyalgia, LLL USA blog

My Experience with Fibromyalgia and Breastfeeding, LLL USA blog


Breastfeeding and Medical Procedures and Conditions- Child

Easing the Distress of Major Surgery, LLL USA blog

Breastfeeding Through Clubfoot Treatment, LLL USA blog

Finley’s Story: Battling HRSV, LLL USA blog

Allergies and the Breastfed Baby, LLL USA blog

Looking Back: A Problem Resolved- Breastfeeding with a Cleft Palate, LLL USA blog

Nursing a Baby with a Colostomy, LLL USA blog

Born Unable To Swallow: My Journey To Breastfeeding My Son, LLL USA blog


Breastfeeding a Preemie or Baby in the NICU

My NICU Experience, LLL USA blog

My Birth Story: Lucy’s Early Arrival, LLL USA blog

My Birth Story: Coco’s Early Arrival, LLL USA blog

Diary of an Expectant Mother, LLL USA blog

I Finally Feel Like Her Mother, LLL USA blog

Ginger’s Breastfeeding Story: Learning to Listen, LLL USA blog


Breastfeeding after a Difficult Birth

Birth Stories: My Gentle Cesarean, LLL USA blog

Looking Back: Less Than Ideal, LLL USA blog

Set Yourself Up for Breastfeeding Success after Cesarean Section, LLL USA blog

Alissa’s Birth Story: C-Section Birth, LLL USA blog


Adoptive Nursing and Non-Gestational Nursing

Review of Breastfeeding Without Birthing by Alyssa Schnell, MS, IBCLC, LLL USA blog

Chrissy’s Story: My Experience With Induced Lactation, LLL USA blog

Looking Back: Sisters (An Adoptive Nursing Story), LLL USA blog

Breastfeeding Without Birthing, Breastfeeding Outside the Box

Breastfeeding An Adopted Baby, LLLI

Transgender and Non-Binary Nursing, En Español, LLL USA

Breastfeeding My Surrogate Baby, LLLI

Breastfeeding with a Lactation Aid, LLL USA blog

At-Breast Supplementer Nursing, LLLI


Breastfeeding and Mental Health 

Why Breastfeeding Is Good for Mothers’ Mental Health, LLLI

My Story of Breastfeeding and Postpartum Depression, LLL USA blog

My La Leche League: Finding Support, Embracing Differences- Breastfeeding with PTSD, LLL USA blog

Getting In Touch with the “Touched Out” Feeling, LLL USA blog

Bags: A Poem for Overwhelmed Parents, LLL USA blog

The Role of Breastfeeding in Protecting Mothers’ Mental Health by Kathleen Kendall-Tackett, PhD, IBCLC, FAPA.


Breastfeeding After Sexual Trauma

Turning The Corner: Breastfeeding and Sexual Assault, LLL USA blog

Breastfeeding as a Survivor of Childhood Sexual Abuse, LLL USA blog

Why Breastfeeding Is Good for Mothers’ Mental Health, LLLI


Breastfeeding Multiples

Annwyl’s Story: Breastfeeding Triplets



Audrey’s Story: “My Breasts Work Just Fine At 40”, LLL USA blog

Shanice’s Story: Breastfeeding as a Teen Parent, LLL USA blog

Breastfeeding During An Emergency, LLL USA



Please contact a local LLL Leader with your specific questions.

Remember that medical questions and legal questions should be directed to appropriate health care and legal professionals.


Page updated January 2020